Monday, January 25, 2010

Gratitude day 12

Today, I'm thankful

1.  For my friend's succinct words describing exactly how I feel about our situation.  After reading our story, she said it gave her chills because "it was like watching a movie and knowing that there has to be a good ending but being so anxious you want to fast forward to the end to see."

I told her that's how I feel all the time!  I know we're going to have a good ending.  I don't know how we're going to get there exactly, but I just want to fast forward through the drama and anxiety and get to the happy ending!  Thanks, Kimber, for reminding me that we're looking for a happy ending after all this.

2.  That I finished my grocery shopping, for now...

3.  That I understand Kevin's convoluted supplemental insurance plan, and I know exactly what I need to do to get them to pay my medical bills.  I'm also still glad we have medical insurance especially since the bills started rolling in this year...

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