Saturday, June 6, 2009


While the content of my blog is very sad, I never actually wanted the tone to be. In reality, how can you write about the tragedy we've gone through without having a depressing tone? So to help lighten the mood, I've included some funny things Savannah (our first child) has said over her short 5 years.

Savannahneese - Translation
sunshine - sunscreen
muscley pieces - chess pieces
peanuts - penis (I run a daycare, and she's been curious about the little boys anatomy when I change their diapers)
china - vagina
shortcut - haircut
Clumsy - Kenzie (the name of a little girl I used to watch)
door nog - door knob
noodle - needle
pregnant marker - permanent marker

Savannah has talked about things she's seen on commercials. My husband has tried to reverse the brainwash by telling her commercials are for "buying things you don't need". When Savannah was asked on one occasion what commercials are for, she responded, "to get you to buy stuff you don't need, but I really want them!"

When I was pregnant with Sierra, I allowed Savannah to shine a flashlight at the bottom of my stomach to help turn Sierra from the breech position. When I was newly pregnant with Garrett and we told Savannah the good news, she remembered the flashlight and wanted to do this again. I told her it was too early and the baby did not have eyeballs yet to see with. She shot up from naptime a couple days later asking, "Does my baby have eyeballs yet?!"

I can also see my child developing her negotiating skills. We were having taquitos for lunch one day which are one of her favorite foods. She will usually ask me for two more taquitos after eating the ones I gave her. I will usually only let her have one more at a time to reduce waste if she doesn't eat it all. On one occasion, she took me unawares by asking for 3 taquitos. Before I could realize what she was doing, I said, "No, only two." She then happily proceeded to skip to the counter to grab her treat. It wasn't until after the words were out of my mouth that I realized I had been manipulated! I have to admit, I was more proud than embarrased that I had been out-negotiated by my 5 year old daughter.

1 comment:

  1. Smarty pants Savannah! What a clever little girl!

    And the door nog one was hilarious! And the pregnant marker!! LOL!
