Saturday, June 27, 2009


I feel like a little kid waiting for Christmas to arrive; well at this point hoping that it doesn't arrive if we're talking about Aunt Flow.

I woke up this morning at about 4:40am, and I swear I honestly DID have to pee (which I take as another good sign that I could be pregnant). So I went to pee into a cup and got my handy dandy dip stick out. I busied myself with some mundane task after checking the time and waited for the results.

After about 5 minutes I didn't see any indication of a positive test, and the same after 10 minutes. But after about 20 minutes (which I remind you is after the 10 minute recommended viewing period), I did see an obviously faint line. My husband would probably look at me crazy for saying there is obviously a line since to see it at all you have to kinda squint your eyes, get it at the correct angle, and don't look at it directly; but it was there!

I realize I could be imagining lines here, and it did appear after the valid timeframe, so I feel my test is still inconclusive. I did check the expiration date on the tests, and they say 7-2010, so that shouldn't be a problem, but they are older tests...

I did use up my last super duper sensitive test, but if my period is already late I should also be able to get a positive result with any OTC test, but I guess that really all depends on how much hCG I'm making. So I'm going to try to get some more sleep and wait at least until the sun comes up so people don't look at me crazy and go pick up some more tests for tomorrow. Here's hoping, and I'll keep you posted!

-- Post From My iPhone


  1. Aaaaaagh! The suspense!!

  2. You're telling me! I've always been able to tell easily with a test if I'm pregnant or not! But if I am pregnant the level of hCG can affect how nauseous you feel, so maybe that's why I don't usually have morning sickness. I remember I was able to tell the earliest with Sierra, and I was the sickest with her too. Anyway, my period still hasn't started, and that's 2 days overdue. If it doesn't start today, I'm going to call my doctor tomorrow and schedule an appt. If I am pregnant, they will want to start me on the blood thinners. First time in my life that I'll be glad to be stabbing myself with a needle.
