Wednesday, February 17, 2010

This past Monday, I got back from my brother's wedding in El Paso.  I wasn't supposed to be there because I was supposed to be pregnant and wasn't going to travel.  But I dealt with this wedding much better than I did my sister's wedding when I was supposed to be pregnant as well.  I think the difference was that I opted not to be part of the wedding party this time.  Despite the fact that I shouldn't have been there, I am very happy that I was able to be with my brother and his new wife on their wedding day.

I remember packing for this trip on Friday going through my mental checklist of stuff to take and arriving at maxipads thinking, "nah, I shouldn't start my period yet."  Well, low and behold, I started Saturday.  I mentioned to my mom on Sunday that I was going to need to stop by the store to pick some up since I didn't have enough in my purse, and she says, "oh! your dad's at the store, let's call him to see if he'll pick some up."  I handed her my phone and said, "you talk to him!"  It's a natural bodily function, but I was embarrassed to mention, talk about, or even allude to this bodily function with my father. Anyway, I know I said it before, but thanks again Dad!

Maybe that's another reason I was able to deal with this wedding better.  Maybe it lifted my mood a little bit to know that now that my period has started, we can start trying to get pregnant again.  Now to get down to the nitty gritty of loosing about 10 pounds.  All this "deserving" of chocolate has kinda tipped the scales in the wrong direction!  I thought I'd have more time to get my act together!

As a side note, I was reminded today that I received the pathology results back last week from the tissue sample that was sent off from the D&C.  Basically, we don't have any additional information.  The pathology report stated that the sample was maternal tissue and did not have any chromosome abnormalities.  Obviously we already know that I don't have any chromosome abnormalities.  We still don't know for sure if the clotting factor caused the miscarriage or if it was due to some fluke chromosome abnormality.  Oh well, we've already revised my treatment plan, and hopefully it'll work this time.

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