Friday, February 19, 2010

Infertility specialist

I scheduled a consult appointment with an infertility specialist today.  I hadn't been thinking about it recently, but we were talking about the car problems we've been having recently and thinking how long we'll be able to go before needing to buy another vehicle.  We were talking about the size of the vehicle we would need with how many kids we hope to have, and Kevin mentioned that if we want to do PGD/IVF, this would be a good time and we should see how much our insurance will cover.

I can't help but feeling a little guilty about going.  I asked my current OB if she thought we should pursue seeing a specialist, but she didn't see it as necessary.  It would be one thing if I didn't need to tell her, but I have to request medical records for the appointment.  But I remind myself that I need to look out for my own best interest in this.  It would make me feel more at ease to get a second opinion and to put this stage in life behind us quicker if we can have two babies at one time rather than being pregnant two more times...

So anyway, now I get to sit down and fill out the tomes of medical history requested for this appointment. Wish me luck!

1 comment:

  1. Rachel, I think that it's great that you're going to an infertility specialist! I just want to share with you that after we lost Wyatt, my OB ran a ton of tests, all came back negative. Then when we went to see our RE he ran even more tests and he had other theories. That's when we found out about the MTHFR double mutation. And my RE was much more aggressive about looking under all the rocks. My OB seemed to be more content to just say that it was like lightening striking.

    I think that it's always better to get a second opinion. I wish you the best of luck with this! I'll be anxious to hear how your appointment goes. :)
